IN THE HOMESTEADBeing a rural setting, you can enjoy amagnificent view of the Alentejoplains, go for a refreshing swim in thepool or either walk or cycle by thehomestead, watching the fauna andflora at hand.At night, the Alentejo starry sky offersyou with a unique sight not to be missed.
STROLL IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD-AZARUJALocated 4km from the estate, this villagebegan to gain weight in the second halfof eighteenth century, due to thedevelopment of cork industry that is stillthe main activity in the area.The Pillory (18th century), the church ofSt. Benedict de Mato and the annexdolmen are the main points of interest.- S. MIGUEL DE MACHEDEThis rural village, also about 4Km fromthe estate, has some interesting religiousbuildings and six tapirs located onprivate property, which can be visited byarrangement with the owners.OTHER PLACES Monte da Azarujinha is very close toother outstanding places in this area ofAlentejo, like Évora, heritage ofhumanity, Arraiolos, Évoramonte,Redondo, Estremoz and Vila Viçosa.